Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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README. Saturday, June 1, 1991 12:00 am 1
____|__ | (tm)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works
for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP
member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP
Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but
does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the
ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a Compuserve
message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536
This file, README., contains the Tech-Edit license agreement and gives you
information on registering Tech-Edit. The file is 4 pages long. The last
page is a registration form which you can fill out and mail in to register
Registration Information
Tech-Edit is a copyrighted program protected by both U.S. and international
copyright law. You are authorized to use it without charge for a limited
period of time under the terms of the Tech-Edit license agreement. After
this time, you must register and pay for Tech-Edit if you wish to continue
using it. This method of distribution is known as shareware. It allows you
to determine whether Tech-Edit meets your needs before you pay for it.
Upon registration you will recieve:
o A disk with the latest version of Tech-Edit, registered to you.
o A version of Tech-Edit for DOS
o A version of Tech-Edit for OS2
o One copy of the printed Tech-Edit manual.
o Technical support via regular or electronic mail
README. Saturday, June 1, 1991 12:00 am 2
Tech-Edit License Agreement
(1) The Tech-Edit program and all other programs and documentation distributed
or shipped with it are copyrighted works protected by U.S. and international
copyright law. In the rest of this document, this collection of programs is
referred to simply as "Tech-Edit". You are granted a license to use your copy
of Tech-Edit only under the terms and conditions specified in this license
(2) Tech-Edit is a shareware software package. It is not free, and it is not
in the public domain. It is distributed as shareware, which means that before
you pay for the package, you may try it and see if you want to continue using
it. You may use Tech-Edit free for a trial period of up to 31 days. If you
wish to continue using Tech-Edit after that period, you must pay a registration
fee. If you choose not to pay the registration fee, you must stop using
Tech-Edit, though you are still free to keep copies and pass them along to
(3) You may use your copy of Tech-Edit on a single computer. You may also
install it on a computer attached to a network, or remove it from one computer
and install it on a different one, provided there is no possibility that a
single copy of Tech-Edit will be used on more than one computer at a time.
Network, site, and corporate licenses are available from Superior Soft.
(4) You may copy Tech-Edit for backup purposes, and you may give copies of
the unregistered version to other individuals, which they may also use and
copy under the terms of this agreement. If you copy the unregistered version
of Tech-Edit for others, you must include all of the files distributed with it.
(5) You may NOT give, sell, or otherwise transfer copies of the registered
version of Tech-Edit to any other person for any reason. However, you may
transfer ownership of your registered copy to another person, provided that
when you do so, you stop using Tech-Edit and remove it from your computer,
and notify Superior Soft of the new owner.
(6) You may NOT distribute Tech-Edit other than through individual copies
of the shareware archive passed to friends and associates for their individual
use and distribution by electronic means where no profit is intended specific
to Tech-Edit. Specifically, you may not place any part of the REGISTERED
Tech-Edit package in any user group or commercial library without written
permission from Superior Soft, and you may not distribute for a fee, or in
any way sell copies of Tech-Edit or any part of the Tech-Edit package.
(7) Tech-Edit is a powerful editor. Although we have attempted to build in
reasonable safeguards, if you do not use Tech-Edit properly you may destroy
files or cause other damage to your computer software and data. You assume
full responsibility for the selection and use of Tech-Edit to achieve your
intended results; in no event shall Superior Soft be responsible for any
damages whatsoever due to errors in usage or your failure to read, understand,
or follow instructions in the documentation. Superior Soft limits its
warranty to replacement of a defective program diskette or manual.
README. Saturday, June 1, 1991 12:00 am 3
(8) Like all useful computer software, Tech-Edit may contain errors in
programs or documentation. If you find such an error or are otherwise
dissatisfied with a registered copy of Tech-Edit, you may return the entire
package at any time up to 30 days after purchase for a full refund of your
original registration fee; such a refund shall be your sole remedy for any
program error(s). Superior Soft shall not be liable for any other costs
incurred by you due to such errors.
(9) If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you do not have
permission from the copyright holder(s) to use Tech-Edit, and you must stop
using it and remove it from your computer.
(10) Any use or distribution of Tech-Edit which violates this license
agreement will be considered a copyright violation, and prosecuted to the
full extent of the law.
(11) The Tech-Edit source code or binary cannot be used in itself as a
stand-alone product, nor can the source code be sold in any form.
(12) The Tech-Edit source code may be used only by the registered owner.
(13) You may use Tech-Edit in your own product(s) as long as a Superior Soft
copyright is displayed in the product(s). The copyright shall be in the form
of a text message: "Technical Editor V2.6 Copyright (c) Superior Soft
1988-1991". This message should appear at least once during the usage of the
Limited Warranty
Superior Soft warrants that the Tech-Edit diskette and manual distributed to
registered users are fit for the purpose which they are intended. Superior
Soft will replace or refund the purchase price of the diskette and/or manual
and/or any other parts or components of Tech-Edit found to be defective or
not able to be used for the purpose which they are intended. If such defect
is the fault of Superior Soft and not the result of misuse or abuse; and
if the defective items are returned to Superior Soft within the warranty
period of one year.
Superior Soft makes no other warranties, expressed or implied, and Superior
Soft's warranty is expressly limited to the cost of replacement of any
defective diskette or other part.
README. Saturday, June 1, 1991 12:00 am 4
Tech-Edit Registration Form
Return to: Superior Soft
P.O. BOX 17355
Irvine, CA 92714
Tech-Edit Version 2.6 Quantity Price
1) Programs and manual $39.95 _______ _______
Disk includes:
OS2 version and DOS version
2) With Source Code add $10.00 ($49.95) _______ _______
3) Site license cost is figured as follows:
Choose item #1 or #2 above.
Each additional user... 10.00
Maximum charge......... 249.95
Site license cost _______ _______
Subtotal _______ _______
Shipping outside US ($5) _______
CA residents add 6.75% sales tax _______
Total enclosed _______
Please circle disk size: 5.25 3.5
Terms: All payments must be in U.S. funds. Personal checks
may be subject to bank clearance delay before shipment.
Name _______________________________________________
Company _______________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________
Phone __________________
I have read and agree to abide by the Tech-Edit license agreement:
(Signature) ________________________________________
Where did you get Tech-Edit?__________________________________
Please use the back of this page for any comments and suggestions, or use supplied
problem report for problems.